Do you remember when you moved into your Lafayette home or remodeled that Walnut Creek house? Do you recall how beautiful the tile and grout looked in there. It’s now been several years and all you can see is brown, black, and other grime in between the tiles. Tile floors and surfaces lose their shine and luster. Scrubbing and mopping do not fully clean the area. Grout absorbs almost all dirt and debris. Weekly cleaning does not bring out the gunk absorbed in the grout. What can you do to return the luster?
Grout and Tile Cleaning Options
You have a few options. The most draconian of these options is to just tear the tile out and move to a different/new material that is clean and devoid of all the residue. This is very drastic and would not be recommended unless there are other reasons to go this route.
Many people take the choice of getting a chemical from the store, some commercial gloves, and brush. They then can spend hours or even days scrubbing like crazy to get all the little crevices clean and free of dirt. This solution can be cost effective but it may not be thorough enough and could waste a lot of your precious time.
Lastly and the best recommendation is to hire a professional tile cleaner to come and restore your tile to “like new” condition. These professionals have commercial level equipment, high quality solutions, and experience in doing detailed cleaning. In addition, professional cleaners are usually qualified to place a sealant on the tile and grout to protect against future soiling of the area.
By having your tile and grout professionally cleaned, you are extending the life of your flooring and avoiding the necessity of spending large amounts of money for new tile. Thus, contact your tile flooring specialist today at Diablo Carpet and Floor Restoration at 1-925-833-0408.