Spring is the season of new and fresh starts. It is often looked upon as a time to declutter and cleanse your house of all the grub. However, this process can become overwhelming and subject to eternal procrastination. Thus, Diablo Carpet and Floor Restoration has simplified it into a few steps to make the process fun and less daunting.
Organizing the Project
If we sit down and write down every cleaning task we’d like to do, we would have the list that will never die. Instead, we always recommend the rule of 3. This means that you do not need to do everything but stick to the most important. Thus, start with creating a to do list and put the top three items that need to be done in the house. Subsequently, put a list of the top three items in each room in the house beyond those initial ones. A key provision to all of this is that each of these items must be very specific. Do not simply put “Clean the Bedroom”. Specify things like “Organize the Closet” or “Go through all the Toys”. Once you have your detailed list, you should then split up the list among all family members and set two to three weekends to get the job done.
Plan Ahead
While you will do each set of tasks over a period of time, it is important to plan ahead for each weekend of activities. Beyond having the list of what you have to complete this Spring, take the time to break down the tasks needed to do the specific cleaning. For instance, if one of the items is to get the carpets professionally cleaned, then you need to research and contact companies in advance so they come on the day you are prepared to accept them and allow them to clean everything. Along the same thought process, if one of the cleaning tasks is to move all your boxes from one room to the garage, you should plan to do this before having professional carpet cleaning. Otherwise, you’ve wasted the professional carpet cleaning of your Bay Area home.
Make it Fun
Spring cleaning can be very taxing and often emotional, especially for the little kids. The children rarely want to give up their long held toys, even if they haven’t been touched in years. Thus, you can make a game out of the whole affair. For instance, you can give them incentive by letting them keep any monies they receive for them. Alternatively, you could show them how those items could benefit those who are less fortunate. Another option could be to create a scavenger hunt game out of the decluttering so the kids have fun and forget about the impact the loss is having on them.
Thus, contact your carpet cleaning specialist today at Diablo Carpet and Floor Restoration at 925-833-0408 to make your spring cleaning a breeze.